Find out more about this week's ADC mainshow: 'Antony and Cleopatra'!
A Note from the Producer
Antony & Cleopatra is a tragedy that blurs and binds the lines between duty, love and politics. It is a passionate portrayal of making and breaking one of the most powerful couples of all time. Shakespeare’s tragedy forces everyone to reconsider and reorient their views on what makes a successful union: Antony from Rome and Cleopatra from Egypt; and we as an all BME creative team (cast & crew) will push this reconsideration one step further.
I wanted to stage this production because it tends to be a hidden and unfamiliar Shakespearean tragedy. I first dealt with this text during my first year and now that I am in third year, I thought that it would be a great production to bring to life given that it is the English set text, so lots of Cambridge Englings will be familiar with it.
I would encourage audiences to come and see this show because of the vision, talent and commitment behind it. Our entire team have lived and breathed this production for the last few months and cannot wait to share it with all of our audiences. This is a reshaping of traditional depictions of Antony and Cleopatra in which the cultural elements are re-shifted and reclaimed, to reflect the production being an all BME creative team.
History can be written but it will forever be rewritten, nothing is set in stone. Antony & Cleopatra first came into existence 418 years ago but in 2024, we have still found new ways to reinvent and reproduce such a powerful production. Although this piece has become a firm part of the tragic canon, we hope that our interaction and engagement with it can show that there is always possibility for more.
Orchid Balgobin

Ayesha Jallali - Charmian/Maecenas/Ensemble
"I’ve absolutely adored getting to know the cast and crew working on Antony and Cleopatra. Jen is a fantastically passionate and talented director. Everyone has created such a welcoming environment which makes the somewhat intimidating workload of a five act play enjoyable!"
Tally Arundell - Candidius/Proculeius/Ensemble
"It has been exciting to see BME actors at the forefront of a complex and multifaceted show. This is a play about juxtapositions and paradoxes, and its something that I’ve had the honour of being in."
Samira Tahlil - Varrius/Ensemble
"As the first show that I’ve acted in, this has been an invaluable experience. Being part of the ensemble and something as interesting and important as BME Shakespeare (Antony & Cleopatra) has changed my perspective on theatre. Our director, Jennifer, made sure that we navigated the Orientalist/more charged vocabulary very considerately and we held extensive character discussions."

Antony and Cleopatra runs at the ADC Theatre from Tuesday 27 February to Saturday 02 March 2024.